About Danny Mitchell MMA


About Danny Mitchell MMA


After retiring from fighting, training and coaching for 25 years, I decided it was a good time to put literally all of my knowledge in one place so everyone can easily access it wherever you are! For people who train with me or attend my seminars this is a great resource to check back on things we are working, and for those who don’t have access to my coaching this is a great place to tap into all that knowledge I have learnt over the years!

  • For anyone with an interest in improving their MMA skills, from beginners right up to experienced fighters. This will also be helpful to MMA coaches looking to expand their knowledge.
  • Training videos, techniques and drills are grouped into different courses. These will be updated and new courses added on a regular basis. I will also be answering any questions and bringing in guest coaches.
  • Most of the training on this site requires a partner, so team up or even get a group of you together to work through the videos! Accessible on desktops and mobile devices, clearly described and recorded in HD video.


Danny started training in martial arts at age 10 and began competing at age 12. Starting with the traditional martial art of Tae Kwon Do, he quickly moved into kickboxing and was constantly looking for more effective fighting styles. After watching the early UFC tapes as a young teenager, he began to train in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu before competing in MMA. At that time in the UK MMA was in its infancy, most fights being on mats or in a ring. Still cross training in martial arts with no real “head coach” to guide him, he started competing in any style that he could get a fight. From boxing to K1 rules, grappling and even bare knuckle. 

By 2008 at 22 years old Danny turned professional in MMA and started a career that would see him winning multiple British titles along with a European title before getting signed to the Worlds no1 organisation the UFC. After a stint in the UFC, he moved on to fight in other major organisations such as Bellator and ACB. Fighting all over the World from America to China he racked up an impressive record of 105 fights with 85 wins in a combination of boxing, kickboxing, MMA, and bare-knuckle fights.

Since retiring from fighting Danny is concentrating on coaching fighters and doing seminars all over the country. He has been the head coach of AVT MMA in Leeds for 10 years and has coached fighters from grass roots level, right up to the UFC and multiple World champions in different organisations. Despite spending most of his career as his own coach, he has also travelled the World training with some top coaches and adding to his knowledge making him one of the best all round coaches in the UK.

His personal accolades include:

105 total fights with 85 wins 18 losses and 2 draws

3x British MMA Champion

2x British Semi Pro Boxing Champion

1x European Pro MMA Champion

2nd Degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Multiple gold medals in national level grappling competition

UFC and Bellator Veteran

Record for the first and only Twister submission in Bellator history

Winner of the Tiger Muay Thai 2013 Scholarship Try Outs

Coach and cornerman of 3 World Champions, Scott Askham, Rico Franco and Adam Bramhald.

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