Online MMA & Grappling training for beginners and professional fighters.
On the site, you will find lots of different training modules, including some of my favourite techniques that I’ve been notorious for throughout my career. It will be kept up to date with fresh content, blog posts, and there will be guest appearances from other top-level fighters, who will also be sharing their knowledge and favourite moves.
Primarily, this website is for you guys to learn new techniques and implement them into your training and fight game, but ultimately, for you to have fun and enjoy yourselves while doing so!
I hope you like the site and look forward to training you!
Covering every aspect of MMA & Grappling training and all the explosive techniques Danny’s renowned for. Whatever you’re training goals we have you covered!
Meet your coach and mentor. Danny’s reputation as a teacher and fighter is highly regarded and for the first time in history you can finally access his world class tuition online!
“I’ve been to Danny’s gyms in the past, he is a great martial artist, his understanding of the MMA game is very impressive, he is a great asset to anyone in the area, if I lived in this area this [AVT] is where I would train”
"I've trained with Danny for a few years now and he is genuinely one of the best coaches I've worked with. Can ask a question on any area and he will have some knowledge in it, and it's all come from getting in there and doing it himself, learning the trade."
"Danny is a world class coach that has worked with fighters from their very first day all the way up to the biggest platforms like the UFC. By doing it himself, you know it's all battle tested and up to date knowledge that really works, with no BS. There is no area of fighting that he doesn't know about and he has helped me and many others on our fighting journeys that have led us around the world, competing against the best."
Having Danny’s insights into martial arts both inside the gym and on his website has been the single best thing I’ve done for myself and my team. Extremely knowledgable, easy to follow and it’s stuff that works! 10/10
Courses for all levels of student, helping you take your training to the next level.
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